Sunday, June 04, 2006

A year of Blogging

I knew it was close to a year...but I didn't remember the date...Anyways its been a year...

I didn't expect it to last this I generally lose interests in all new distractions after they lose their novelty and as is usually the case I am left feeling impressed when I don't...

I can almost remember the day I started blogging...I was browsing around when I decided to explore Google a bit more...and came to Blogger. Apurv and Neha were already blogging...and both had once suggested that I should do out of plain curiosity I created a blog...named it blogmia - my blog in Italian (I think) and titled it Discombobulated...a word I had come across a few days before...
I had planned not to tell about it to anyone...what was the point I thought, friends know how I think already...and if they have to come to a blog to get to know whats up with me...well then clearly we are not keeping in touch...anyways I am not very comfortable writing/talking about myself...and when I do, it ends up being cryptic..:)

So to mark the occasion...I did a quick scan of the old posts...and picked a few that I remembered...


Vini said...

We the likes what you the writes. Well, I am glad you are having fun doing this. And there ARE other things you are not supposed to lose interest in! HappyAnniv!

M (tread softly upon) said...

Well congratulations! Keep going. And as you say a blog is not catering to an audience but a way of archiving your own memories. Good job.