Monday, November 14, 2005

20 useless things about me

  1. Talking/writing about myself is most difficult.
  2. Though change is the only constant, I wish somethings wouldn't change!
  3. It generally takes me time to open up to people and this period is getting longer and longer I think.
  4. Sometimes though things click instantly...these people then hold a special place...and the person who tagged me is a prime example of it.
  5. I like being around my friends, though I don't mind my own company either.
  6. I don't like it when people make a mountain of a mole...
  7. I like people with creative zeal...probably to make up for my own lack of it...
  8. I seek answers to my questions in songs, books and the things around me.
  9. I want to have a huge study, where I ll have thousands of books,cds/dvds/blu-rays (whatever) for me to dive into whenever I want to.
  10. I like gadgets...and have been eyeing the Nokia N91 mobile for a long time...not scheduled to come till Q1-06 :(
  11. I am not religious but I like to think that there exists a higher authority, even though that doesn't make sense...good for the conscience I guess :).
  12. I am a "Centrist" with a social leaning...
  13. At one time I wanted to take up politics...sometimes I still do...
  14. I like sports of all kind, except the "Golf" is different but I don't understand why people watch it...
  15. If something catches my fancy...I just pursue it blindly, till I get a hang of it, but I have a short attention span...
  16. I procrastinate way too much....I wish I was more pro-active.
  17. I prefer nights over day. (now things are getting really random and
  18. I want to play an instrument...
  19. Time travel fascinates me.
  20. I love watching the stars at night, I had a telescope once and I plan to buy one again!

Phew! Now that I am done and over with, I request Anita and Shehzaad to write a bit about themselves!


Anonymous said...

You missed out don't think I'll write them here.. for reasons known to u ;)

NoviceProgrammer said...

You know my humility stops me from praising myself!! :))

Anonymous said...

aha.. that was a fast tag pick up!
4 I completely agree with. 12 and 13 are interrelated i guess. 3 u've said to me once before, but ive always seen u be quite an extrovert, so its surprising. time travel.. take me with u if it happens! :D

Anonymous said...

Have dutifully completed your record time too!!! it was fun!!!

Anonymous said...

The one about the politician, u have my vote ;)