Thursday, November 24, 2005

Missing my sis today

Time is such a devil of a annoys me no end that as much as I try to take control of it, it always controls me! I mean it would be nice if I could just throw a spanner in between the cogs and it would come to a halt...but no it will just march on pooh-poohing me.

And I am almost convinced at times that it cheats - speeding up when you want it to slow down and slowing down to a crawl when you want it to speed up...Grr!

Reminds me of a Calvin speak...
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want" - Calvin

This gibberish IS related to the title...


Anonymous said...

There are somethings about which you just can't do matter how hard we try..

You'll always miss her.. jus hope that she stays happy :)

Well ur going to be with her soon..a small consolation.. brings me to an important question.. talked yet?

Anonymous said...

hey Sid!! tht doesnt sound like u at all man!!! Cheer up!! its an order :)

Anonymous said...

That 'spanner between the cogs' is beautiful imagery!

Shehzaad Shams said...

That's it Sid...the sound of shehnai...the end of something..or the beginning...don't be upset..think of much I would miss you when you would get