Tag, the blog equivalent of a forward mail :))
Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so.
Next select five people to tag
I don't have that many people in the list, besides most have either done it or don't want to do it!
What were you doing 10 years ago?
Playing cricket under the sun, or maybe playing Table tennis, or maybe playing Soccer, or maybe...well playing!
What were you doing 1 year ago?
Working :(
Five snacks you enjoy
Dry Fruits
Aloo Tikki/ Bhel Puri, etc
French Fries
Basically I like all the junk food...
Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
I remember them for a while then I forget them, but can always sing along...
Time - Pink Floyd
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
Take It Easy - Eagles
Fade to Black - Metallica
The Chain - Fleetwood Mac
Summer of 69 :)) (just had to write this...)
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
Travel to the moon (assuming I have 999 Million Dollars)
Travel to Antarctica (assuming I have a lot less)
Buy a Ferrari 355 and a Koenigsegg CCR :)
Buy lots of Gadgets
Build lots of schools and hospitals...
Five bad habits:
5? I would have to think and think and think.... :)
Not backing myself enough
Sending cold vibes when I don't really intend to
Short attention span
Finicky abt the food
Five things you like doing:
Sports (more watching than playing these days)
Meeting friends
Sleeping...since I am doing very little of this these days...
Five things you would never wear again:
Clothes that don't fit
Five favorite toys:
Had lots of cars
Lego Bricks
Train with all the frills of stations, linemen,etc
Plot 4 / Connect 4
There done with it! Was nice remembering my childhood toys...Lego - unfortunately the company is not doing too well in this age of Xboxes and Play stations...but nothing beats the satisfaction of building that "ultimate" car or that "beautiful" house...
Some one once told me that their technic series has now got parts with chips...man I want to buy it again!!!
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Saturday, February 18, 2006
World Public Opinion
Stumbled upon this site: World Public Opinion . Its a webzine of sorts started by Program on International Policy Attitudes to provide (in their own words) - a source of in-depth information and analysis on public opinion from around the world on international issues.
Its an interesting concept...as long as the methodology of the surveys are proper...another way of seeing whether the government of the countries are really representing the people...
The site has plenty of simple surveys and their analysis...there were a few that caught my eye...
The first one was the analysis of a BBC World poll on the way people saw the influence of various countries across the globe...
This is what PIPA has to say abt the survey :-
"The poll of 39,435 people was conducted for the BBC World Service by the international polling firm GlobeScan together with the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) at the University of Maryland. The 33-nation fieldwork was coordinated by GlobeScan and completed between October 2005 and January 2006. "
Reading the opinion on India was interesting...the traditionally friendly countries were all positive (the former Soviet Bloc and the African countries). Among the most influential countries of today...the verdict was almost balance, except for France...hardly surprising since they dont seem to like anyone except maybe the UK...:)
Needless to say that Iran and the US found themselves at the bottom of the pile. The analysis can be found here
The other interesting opinion poll was on what the citizens of the western countries thought of the cartoon controversy...and the results were very balanced...just as I thought...the cartoons were provocative and needless, but ultimately the press has the right to publish relevant content...even if controversial...
It can be read here
In related news a small situation developed in Hyderabad yesterday...the recipe for a perfect communal riot...
Muslim youths coming out of Makkah Masjid(near Charminar) took out a rally without police permission. Holding green flags and shouting slogans hundreds of youth marched towards the Charminar.Policemen deployed at the Charminar allowed agitators to continue their protest.When they reached Gulzar Houz, a busy commercial area, some protesters allegedly threw stones and attacked shops belonging to the Hindus. One car was damaged and a two-wheeler was set ablaze. BJP seized the opportunity and decided to take out a rally of their own seeking against the culprits...how could they let go of such a golden opportunity??
Incidents of violence were then reported from various parts of the city, including a place not very far from where we live...
Thankfully nothing happened, except us getting a mail from the HR to leave earlier than usual...5 PM for some 10 PM for others...(sigh)
Its an interesting concept...as long as the methodology of the surveys are proper...another way of seeing whether the government of the countries are really representing the people...
The site has plenty of simple surveys and their analysis...there were a few that caught my eye...
The first one was the analysis of a BBC World poll on the way people saw the influence of various countries across the globe...
This is what PIPA has to say abt the survey :-
"The poll of 39,435 people was conducted for the BBC World Service by the international polling firm GlobeScan together with the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) at the University of Maryland. The 33-nation fieldwork was coordinated by GlobeScan and completed between October 2005 and January 2006. "

Needless to say that Iran and the US found themselves at the bottom of the pile. The analysis can be found here
The other interesting opinion poll was on what the citizens of the western countries thought of the cartoon controversy...and the results were very balanced...just as I thought...the cartoons were provocative and needless, but ultimately the press has the right to publish relevant content...even if controversial...
It can be read here
In related news a small situation developed in Hyderabad yesterday...the recipe for a perfect communal riot...
Muslim youths coming out of Makkah Masjid(near Charminar) took out a rally without police permission. Holding green flags and shouting slogans hundreds of youth marched towards the Charminar.Policemen deployed at the Charminar allowed agitators to continue their protest.When they reached Gulzar Houz, a busy commercial area, some protesters allegedly threw stones and attacked shops belonging to the Hindus. One car was damaged and a two-wheeler was set ablaze. BJP seized the opportunity and decided to take out a rally of their own seeking against the culprits...how could they let go of such a golden opportunity??
Incidents of violence were then reported from various parts of the city, including a place not very far from where we live...
Thankfully nothing happened, except us getting a mail from the HR to leave earlier than usual...5 PM for some 10 PM for others...(sigh)
Monday, February 13, 2006
Opportunity has been kind to me and has come knocking on my door a second time...a couple of years back when I was in a similar position I think in my over enthusiasm I scared it away...
Would this time be any different? Would it let itself in? Would I be able to break this monotonous grind? Would life take a happy twist?
Dekhte hain Hum Log!!
I don't know how it got into my head, but the tune of Ironic has been playing over and over in my head since morning...and its beginning to annoy me now...
"Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything's okay and everything's going right
And life has a funny way of helping you out
When you think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up in your face..."
[Ironic by Alanis Morissette]
Nope doesn't help!!!
Would this time be any different? Would it let itself in? Would I be able to break this monotonous grind? Would life take a happy twist?
Dekhte hain Hum Log!!
I don't know how it got into my head, but the tune of Ironic has been playing over and over in my head since morning...and its beginning to annoy me now...
"Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything's okay and everything's going right
And life has a funny way of helping you out
When you think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up in your face..."
[Ironic by Alanis Morissette]
Nope doesn't help!!!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
The battle between Freedom of Expression and Religious Sensitivities has spilled onto the streets...it was only a matter of time really. Even though I have been following this news for a while(thanx to my over dependence on Google News)I am unable to decide where my loyalties should lie...I am referring to the publication of caricatures of the Prophet in a Danish newspaper in Sept 2005. The motives behind the original publication are definitely questionable, but was republication of the caricatures by the media across the world wrong?
A bit of History first...The Danish daily 'Jyllands-Posten' on 30 September last year printed twelve cartoons of the Prophet. The editor of the "conservative" daily had asked Danish cartoonist to draw Mohammed with the intention of "testing" what kind of reactions this would provoke. He wanted to find out whether the rather large number of Muslim immigrants to Denmark were influencing the limits of freedom of expression in the Nordic kingdom...and for them the reaction proves their case...but the test case itself is flawed...to me it seems as sheer provocation...secularism(an argument often cited in favour of the publication) means detachment of the state with religions, not picking on religions...
On the other hand the threat of violence against the nationals of Denmark(burning of the Danish Embassy has since taken place in Syria) is even more silly...its like hitting the axe on your feet...it just make the community seem more violent and less tolerant...I think it all stems from the lack of effective leadership - Leadership that is more busy in building wealth for itself rather than addressing the issues of the people...this has allowed right wing groups to get support as they promise to be the voice of the people...and have themselves emerged from ordinary families...Arab governments seem to have taken the cartoons so seriously because they were afraid of being outflanked by such groups.
A number of Arab countries have withdrawn their ambassadors from Denmark and Norway, which was the first European country to reprint the cartoons, also the goods from these countries are being boycotted...I wonder how long it will last...oil will not remain at $60 forever...
This is unlikely to be the last issue between the West and the Middle East or even more broadly between West and the followers of Islam...that this incident has widened the divisions is hardly under doubt.
So coming back to where my loyalties should lie...as with any freedom, the freedom of expression carries responsibilities with it. It should not seek to create conflict. It is important that we respect other persons' beliefs. But ultimately the threat of violence is no way to carry a debate...
Read an article in a Norwegian daily that ended with raising a few questions...Are some of us abusing the freedom of expression to publish statements that are meant to provoke conflicts? Are some of us abusing this freedom to get cheap publicity? Is a relatively new religious minority in its right when demanding limits to freedom in its new host country? Can Muslims dictate others on their religious taboos? Can non-Muslims dictate Muslims on religious taboos? Do we want to let religious fundamentalists dictate our political agenda?
The article can be read at the Afrol's website
But let me warn you abt the blind me yellow background that they have used...who chooses these color schemes anyways...:)
7th Feb Update : The GoI meddling with the issue and asking the Danish government to seek an apology from the newspaper has helped me make up my mind ;)
10th Feb Update : An Egyptian Newspaper('Al Fagr') apparently published the caricatures in Oct itself...to show its displeasure...they didn't evoke any trouble then...now why doesn't that surprise me...
A bit of History first...The Danish daily 'Jyllands-Posten' on 30 September last year printed twelve cartoons of the Prophet. The editor of the "conservative" daily had asked Danish cartoonist to draw Mohammed with the intention of "testing" what kind of reactions this would provoke. He wanted to find out whether the rather large number of Muslim immigrants to Denmark were influencing the limits of freedom of expression in the Nordic kingdom...and for them the reaction proves their case...but the test case itself is flawed...to me it seems as sheer provocation...secularism(an argument often cited in favour of the publication) means detachment of the state with religions, not picking on religions...
On the other hand the threat of violence against the nationals of Denmark(burning of the Danish Embassy has since taken place in Syria) is even more silly...its like hitting the axe on your feet...it just make the community seem more violent and less tolerant...I think it all stems from the lack of effective leadership - Leadership that is more busy in building wealth for itself rather than addressing the issues of the people...this has allowed right wing groups to get support as they promise to be the voice of the people...and have themselves emerged from ordinary families...Arab governments seem to have taken the cartoons so seriously because they were afraid of being outflanked by such groups.
A number of Arab countries have withdrawn their ambassadors from Denmark and Norway, which was the first European country to reprint the cartoons, also the goods from these countries are being boycotted...I wonder how long it will last...oil will not remain at $60 forever...
This is unlikely to be the last issue between the West and the Middle East or even more broadly between West and the followers of Islam...that this incident has widened the divisions is hardly under doubt.
So coming back to where my loyalties should lie...as with any freedom, the freedom of expression carries responsibilities with it. It should not seek to create conflict. It is important that we respect other persons' beliefs. But ultimately the threat of violence is no way to carry a debate...
Read an article in a Norwegian daily that ended with raising a few questions...Are some of us abusing the freedom of expression to publish statements that are meant to provoke conflicts? Are some of us abusing this freedom to get cheap publicity? Is a relatively new religious minority in its right when demanding limits to freedom in its new host country? Can Muslims dictate others on their religious taboos? Can non-Muslims dictate Muslims on religious taboos? Do we want to let religious fundamentalists dictate our political agenda?
The article can be read at the Afrol's website
But let me warn you abt the blind me yellow background that they have used...who chooses these color schemes anyways...:)
7th Feb Update : The GoI meddling with the issue and asking the Danish government to seek an apology from the newspaper has helped me make up my mind ;)
10th Feb Update : An Egyptian Newspaper('Al Fagr') apparently published the caricatures in Oct itself...to show its displeasure...they didn't evoke any trouble then...now why doesn't that surprise me...
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
IE7 and Google
Internet Explorer 7 Beta Preview is here...I wish I could install it on my system here and play around with it :)...but its not stable and I will have to do a lot of explaining if it crashes the system...:(
So MS is playing catch up and copy up(as they always do). It seems that MS has basically added features that the people cited as reasons for shifting away from IE in the first place...so we have tabbed browsing, rss reader, better search facility and a zoom option...a couple of add ons include the new printing capability and of course better security(add on?).
The logic is simple...people are unlikely to shift to another browser if their standard(read inbuilt) browser keeps them reasonably satisfied...so IE is unlikely to lose its market share any further once IE7 comes up...it might infact regain a few lost users...which means that Firefox and Opera have to work even more on innovation(which will be swiftly copied of course)
The preview version is aimed at developers and tech enthusiasts; a more stable version for the general public is likely to follow soon...the preview version can be downloaded from the official IE Site . The sad part is that it is not available for all platforms...
Google has been caught up in yet another controversy...just days after resisting U.S. Department of Justice's request for examining millions of online search records (for which it has been taken to court), it is under fire again for its agreement to launch a Chinese version of its search engine censoring some of its services in keeping with Beijing's restrictions on free speech. Ironic I think...
So MS is playing catch up and copy up(as they always do). It seems that MS has basically added features that the people cited as reasons for shifting away from IE in the first place...so we have tabbed browsing, rss reader, better search facility and a zoom option...a couple of add ons include the new printing capability and of course better security(add on?).
The logic is simple...people are unlikely to shift to another browser if their standard(read inbuilt) browser keeps them reasonably satisfied...so IE is unlikely to lose its market share any further once IE7 comes up...it might infact regain a few lost users...which means that Firefox and Opera have to work even more on innovation(which will be swiftly copied of course)
The preview version is aimed at developers and tech enthusiasts; a more stable version for the general public is likely to follow soon...the preview version can be downloaded from the official IE Site . The sad part is that it is not available for all platforms...
Google has been caught up in yet another controversy...just days after resisting U.S. Department of Justice's request for examining millions of online search records (for which it has been taken to court), it is under fire again for its agreement to launch a Chinese version of its search engine censoring some of its services in keeping with Beijing's restrictions on free speech. Ironic I think...
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