Saturday, December 17, 2005

Pinky blues!

Have been overwhelmed by the color pink lately...

Are there any women folk who don't like the color pink? Am Still looking...

p.s: Don't get me color is very bad..except maybe pink..but even so can anyone explain the affinity of the color pink with women? Is it genetic?


Neha said...

now come on!wats wrong with pink :)

Can u explain why guys don't like it? :P i mean y this special dislike reserved for pink!

sinusoidally said...

Uh hello? Pink is the new in thing. Don't you watch TV or something? hee hee. I change my favorite colors by the season.

sinusoidally said...

I am not sure if blogger provides templates by the season though, so will have to stick to pink for a while

Neha said...

it has to be the color of the season, guess wat jus saw this in the paper..
hutch.. going pink.. now i dont noe wat they'r going to do.. but atlst their logo looks pink :))

guess wat my mp3 player is coming :D:D

Anonymous said...

Pink is so NOT me!! guess tht will be the first point if I ever do another 20 random things about me ;)

Hey u doing??? long time no hear!!

NoviceProgrammer said...

@ Neha, Sines : That still doesn't explain the affinity between the color pink and women...come on doc, you gotta shed some light on it!!!

@ Anita : Finally someone who shares my view, yay!!
I m doing well and you?

Vini said...

whats with men and blue?

I have come across as many men who love blue as women who love pink!


M (tread softly upon) said...

I don't have a problem with pink but I'm not a vey pink kind of girl either.

Shehzaad Shams said...

I think pink reflects softness and smoothness...and baby smell too...haha...remember the pink colored johnson&johnson baby oil/powder and its smell?lol

Wanderlust said...

i'm not too fond of pink...not my is more of me...which i suppose is supposed to be guy's colour(going according to your description of genetic preference of colour)anyways now that you like it,go ahead! :-)