Thursday, September 08, 2005

Anonymous blog

"So whats the point of keeping your blog anonymous?" she asks...

"Its not anonymous really...I mean I haven't hidden any info...Its easier this way, besides who would want to read the boring rant that often turns out here..."

This is how a number of such discussions/conversations on the subject go....I was just remembering it so decided to write it down...

I'm not sure if I haven't told my friends because they hear most of my rantings anyway or if because not everyone truly understands the purpose of this...

Besides I dont visit too many blogs...apart from Neha's and Apurv's blog I probably stumble upon some random blog once in a while...and then maybe never return there again...

And I didn't start blogging with an audience in was just a way of archiving some thoughts that I might look back at someday...neither did I think I will continue doing so even a week after starting...
So maybe it wont be anonymous some day...or maybe it will become even more anonymous (hide it even from people who know abt it)...:)...or it might just die as suddenly as it started.....but until such time, I am happy to carry on this inconsequential drivel...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I disagree!! it's not boring at all :)
but ur right it's not like uv hidden an info so its not anonymous!!or 'annonymous' ;)