Thursday, July 24, 2008


Although I am sure plenty of ink and bytes have been wasted on the farcical trust vote that happened the other day, I couldn't stop myself from writing about it.

Our politicians sure have a habit of surpassing all expectations of the people and are the role models for today's generation. Just when we think that things can't go any worse, that surely we have hit the rock bottom of morality and ethics they snicker at us and prove us wrong.
And we all know the names that cross why isn’t there a IT raid at their homes and why arent their accounts being scrutinized for any shady transfers...wouldn't these be the best candidate to start the investigation on?

Now that the vote has been won, the government is being pressed to fulfil the promises made to get the the government that talks about the nuclear deal as necessary for the advancement of technology also claims that Ram destroyed the setu on his return from Lanka...when I first read that, I was ready to puke...I mean who are they trying to kid here?....and I really want to know who has such fantastic imagination!!!

Seriously we are in desperate need of an over haul of our system...this is beyond crass;beyond repulsive.